Root Canal Therapy
Dental pulp, found in the center of each tooth, contains a nerve which extends from the tooth’s root to bring vital nutrients to the tooth. If a tooth’s pulp is injured, damaged, or infected, the nerve within the pulp will die and, unless endodontic treatment (root canal) is performed, the tooth may die as well. In many cases, root canal therapy (removal of the nerve tissue in the tooth) can save damaged teeth by preserving the tooth in the mouth. After the root canal is successfully completed, restoring the tooth with a crown is usually highly recommended to preserve the tooth structure and provide strength for chewing.
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Quality professional team members that pride ourselves in furthering education to ensure you get the quality care you deserve.
Come See Us
"Always professional and courteous. Clean and safe environment. Front desk and Lindsay were great. Always great. I appreciated all the safety guidelines put in place during the current pandemic."
"I broke a tooth and needed to see the Dr. during this stay at home order. The Dentist was the last place I wanted to go. My fears were instantly relieved when I entered the new arranged waiting room, and the new protection procedure for the receptionist. When the Dr's assistant came out, she took my temperature, asked a few pertinent questions, and escorted me to the area where they would work on my tooth. Both the Dr and his assistant were very careful to keep me safe and protected. I walked away feeling so confident that they went above and beyond Ohio's requirements. All my questions and concerns were addressed right from the start and most importantly they explained how they are keeping the office safe and clean at all times."
"My hat goes off to the receptionist and the Doctor's assistant. They are always friendly and helpful. Any questions are answered without hesitation. I have to admit that going to the dentist is my least favourite thing to do, but since I found Dr. Farian, I do not hesitate when I am in need of dental service. Both my husband and I see Dr. Farian. We are willing to drive the distance because everyone that works in his office are truly professionals."
"I am very impressed with Dr. Farian and his entire staff. They are very professional, offer good service, and make you feel very comfortable. I recommend this dental team very highly."